This traditional variety of rice is helpful in curing most of the women’s hormonal issues. This rice is good for pregnant women and lactating mothers, as it gives strength to the body. This rice kanji used for ladies during pregnant time.
A) Helpful for pregnant women: Its kanji(usually called Pez, water extracted out of boiled rice) is said to induce normal delivery in pregnant women.
B) Removes bad sweat from body: It contains anthocyanin(antioxidant)which helps to kick out the bad sweat out of the body and provide a healthy living.
C) Boost immune system: It increases haemoglobin content in blood and thus boost immunity system.
D) Contain vitamin B1: It contains vitamin B1 which is specially helpful in case of mouth and stomach ulcer and stomach related problem.
E) It is also helpful for headache and is said to boost memory.
F) Diabetes: It generally prevents the glucose from mixing in the blood stream thus preventing ‘diabetes insipidus’.